Sued By CACH LLC, What Should You Do?
Have you been sued by CACH LLC? Find out how to negotiate a settlement agreement with CACH LLC and get rid of your debt lawsuit. Contact the Gamez Law Firm to speak with a debt lawsuit attorney in a free consultation. We have successful experience settling debt with CACH LLC. For instance, our client took out a $6,000 loan from Bank of the Internet/On Deck Capital. When our client’s business went under, he was unable to make payments on his loan. With interest, the debt grew to $7,321. My client’s debt was sold to CACH, LLC. We reached a CACH LLC settlement offer for our client that saved him 94% of the debt owed. He ended up having to pay only $447.37 in his CACH LLC debt settlement.
Sued By CACH LLC, What Should You Do?
If you have been sued by CACH LLC, what should you do? If you receive notice that a CACH LLC lawsuit has been filed against you, then do not ignore it. Contact the Gamez Law Firm and speak with a debt lawsuit defense attorney if you need to respond to a credit card lawsuit or a debt lawsuit. We offer a free consultation to go over your particular situation, offer solutions to fight debt collectors and get you out of debt.
Who is CACH LLC?
Who is CACH LLC? CACH LLC is a debt collecting entity that is a third-party buyer of debt. They buy debt that has been “charged off” for pennies on the dollar from credit card companies, banks and other lenders such as GE, Chase, Money Retail Bank, Bank of America, Capital One and others. “Charged off” debt is debt that is no longer considered collectable due to non-payment by the borrower. But that doesn’t mean the delinquent borrower doesn’t still owe the debt now that it’s charged off. You still owe it and you will most likely be served a debt collection lawsuit by CACH LLC if you don’t pay the debt. So even if the money you originally borrowed wasn’t from them, if they bought your debt — then you can be sued by debt collector CACH LLC.
CACH LLC has vast resources to hire lawyers to serve delinquent borrowers debt collection lawsuits by CACH LLC. Debt collection law firms are booming. Debt collection law firms such asSuttell & Hammer and Mandarich Law Group are hired by debt buyers to come after borrowers in default. The law firms hired by CACH LLC to sue borrowers are highly skilled at serving debt collection lawsuits.
What to Do If CACH LLC Sues You
If you have received a lawsuit from CACH LLC and want to know how to deal with CACH LLC, then you need to contact a debt lawsuit lawyer. If you do not take legal action and ignore the lawsuit, then a CACH LLC judgment can be filed against you. If this happens, you could be looking at CACH LLC garnishing wages or levying your bank account. For instance, a client contacted us to do defend a CACH LLC lawsuit a for a debt totaling $27,124. One week before trial, we negotiated a CACH LLC debt settlement saving our client approximately 50% of the amount owed. If our client had ignored the lawsuit, then a CACH default judgment would have been entered against our client. Instead, our client saved half of the money he owed and did not have to appear in trial to testify.
CACH LLC Lawsuit Defense
If you have need to defend a debt collection lawsuit from CACH LLC, then you need a debt lawsuit defense attorney with a solid track record of negotiating and settling debt with CACH LLC. The Gamez Law Firm has that solid track record. We have offices in Los Angeles and San Diego, CA — but we help consumers all over the country to settle debt with CACH LLC. As our clients will tell you, the savings we offer far outweigh our legal fees.
For example, our client owed CACH LLC over $21,000 for a debt originally owed to GE Money Retail Bank. Our client had been ignoring collection attempts for four years, which is when the statute of limitations ran out for him to be sued by CACH LLC. I was able to help my client realize a savings of 100% of his debt. Our client is now retired and not worrying about debt collectors.
If you have been sued by CACH LLC, then give us a call at 858–217–5051 and we can discuss your case free of charge. Our goal is to get our clients out of debt and on with their lives.
Story originally published on Daniel R. Gamez is a debt lawyer serving clients nationwide and focuses exclusively in debt relief. He is licensed to practice in all state and federal courts in California and Texas. Mr. Gamez owns and operates the Gamez Law Firm in San Diego and Los Angeles, and helps people with debt problems all over the country. For more information, please contact Daniel Gamez at 858–217–5051, or use our online contact form. Stay updated about the latest debt relief tips by following on Facebook and Twitter and read about client success stories on our website.